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Twitter Peaceful profits, Make money from your twitter followers

Table of Contents
Introduction To Twitter Peaceful Profits …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
How Is This Method Going To Work……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
The Amount Of Money Going To Be Made………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Setup Your Account – Convert Strangers To Followers…………………………………………………………………….. 4
From Stranger To Follower Conversion Rate ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Maximize Follow Conversions: Crafting High Converting Twitter Account……………………………………… 6
Relevant, High Authority Twitter Profile Creation……………………………………………………………………………… 7
Twitter Automation : Growth Your Accounts On Autopilot ………………………………………………………………. 8
What We Will Need To Start ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Setup Your First Twitter Automation Account……………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Finding Target Sources To Interact With…………………………………………………………………………………………..10
Auto Follow Configuration………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10
Understanding The Automation Configuration…………………………………………………………………………………11
Understanding The Automation Configuration…………………………………………………………………………………12
Adding Targeted Follow Sources For Followers Gain……………………………………………………………………….13
Auto Favorite (Likes) Tool Configuration …………………………………………………………………………………………..14
Auto Retweet (Repost) Tool Configuration ……………………………………………………………………………………….15
Auto DM Tool Configuration……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….16
Mass DM To Targeted Audience…………………………………………………………………………………………………………17
Twitter Accounts Content Planning……………………………………………………………………………………………………18
Automated Content On Multiple Accounts ………………………………………………………………………………………..18
Campaign Tool Options ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19
Autopilot Posting…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………20
The Most Profitable Offer To Promote On Twitter…………………………………………………………………………….21
Create A Telegram Channel………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..22
Automatic Crypto Signals Bot Access ……………………………………………………………………………………………….23
Telegram Promotion Strategies (Child And Mother) (100-200 A Day) ……………………………………………24
Converting Strangers To $300 / A Month Clients………………………………………………………………………………25

Introduction to Twitter Peaceful Profits

Today is the day that I decided to reveal all of my alpha strategies that lead me
to earn juicy bags via Twitter. For some people, it doesn’t sounds not realistic
to make $1000 a day. However, as soon as you apply my method and earn
your first $200; You will figure out how scalable these methods are. And you will
understand that the only thing that separates you and the $1000 a day is just time;
Which requires 30 Days if you invest 1 Hour a day.
In today’s guide I will reveal my Step by step formula to gain 8500 Followers on
Twitter in 1 Month along with my own personal twists that you can replicate. You
won’t have to do anything complex besides copy & paste my exact formula that you
are going to implement today. Besides that; if you have any questions, I am always
available at the private Telegram group. This guide might be a little long; but nothing
great comes without effort!

How is this Twitter method going to work

We are going to build a large Network of twitter accounts at the fastest speed
At first, we will have 1 goal; Reach 1000 Followers on 1 Twitter account. Then, as
soon as you reach the 1000 Followers (Easy AF with this Method) We will create a
formula to replicate it by 100X. You see; Gaining 100K on 1 Account sounds like an
impossible mission. However, as soon as you start to divide the Twitter growth plan
into several parts you will be able to see the full picture and realize that 100,000
Followers is even easier.

The amount of money going to be made

The key to making money is to have an audience. It’s not a secret. With that being
said; The bigger the audience that you’ll have – the bigger the money. Account with
1K Followers Generating Between $400 to $600 a month. Duplicate $400 X 100 and
you have $40,000.
As soon as I will reveal to you today in this guide what are the most profitable niches
to work with on Twitter, you won’t have to spend time wondering. In short, you always
want to target High net-worth audience.

Setup your Twitter Account – Convert strangers
to followers.

We want to get attention. We want that anyone who sees our profile will convert into
a Follower. Otherwise it will be considered a wasted resource. Once a follower is
exposed to your account you want that in less than 4 seconds he will realize what
your content / posts is going to be about. To use common sense, if I am In the crypto
niche; then my BIO and Header should deliver a
quick msg to our potential follower. We want that
the potential follower will realize that he will get
value from our account. So think in 3 Steps :
● Potential Follower got exposed to our account
from twitter follow notification
● Potential Follower click on our profile to check
who followed him
● Potential Follower check sniffing around our
profile to see if it is worth a follow back.


Our mindset should always think about converting potential strangers to followers.
This is the first STEP, and most critical then all. Because without the audience – we
won’t have anyone to sell products.
In this eBook, we will learn how to automate this process of getting followers exposed
to our multiple Main accounts via Child accounts.
Imagine having 10 Main accounts, and 1000 ‘Child’ Accounts promoting them? Get

From Stranger to Twitter Follower Conversion rate

We understood that we should take the conversion rate seriously. So here are a few
rules for you to follow to ensure we will convert strangers to followers.
● Short paragraph
● Talk straight to the point
● Act as you’re authority

Short Paragraph

Don’t use multiple terms and long texts that might confuse the follower

Talk Straight To The Point

Don’t waste the follower’s time. He has a short patience.

Act as You are Authority

Have an organized BIO. add some “Bombing” words like : “Trader since 2016” “Owner
of 5 Businesses” , etc.

Those are 3 rules that you should implement to attract more followers. Accept the fact
that you are a professional and you know what you’re doing and make a Nice BIO.
Catchy Username and have an attractive Twitter Avatar.
Converting strangers to Followers is more important than the sale itself.
These are the people that will build your authority and make you look like “Someone”
whenever they like or retweet your posts and push your tweets forward


Use this tool to get catchy, straight to the point slogans. Enter your niche
name and it will do the rest. It’s Free and extremely useful to make great
Twitter Profiles.

Maximize Follow Conversions: Crafting High
Converting Twitter Account

Now it’s time to learn how to maximize our conversion rate. What will we need?
● Canva Graphics (Free)
● Cool Avatar – Via Get Avatar
With Canva templates you can design an Attractive header for Twitter in seconds,
and use Get Avatar to get a non-human, unique Avatar to stay under the Radar of
Twitter AI. When you use duplicate profile pictures it can get detected and increase
your chance to get suspended or shadow banned from the Platform. Put a ‘Catchy’
slogan on your Twitter cover with the recommended tool. If you still want to use a
copied profile photo, you will have to remove the Metadata and add some effects so
you won’t get detected as duplicate / or bot

Relevant, High Authority Twitter Profile Creation

This account, for example, is sending a direct msg to potential followers from his
“Cash is trash” : People who lost faith in the US dollar due to inflation or in General,
crypto investors who do not believe in Fiat currency might recognize this account to
be relevant to them because they might tweet about topics that could be relevant to
them. On his BIO; He mentioned that he is a “Trader,Collector,Advisor” to command
Authority and let his potential followers understand that he is a professional.

You can also download some NFT photos from Opensea and use them as your profile
picture. That will work well for the crypto niche.

Twitter Automation : Growth Your Accounts
On AutoPilot

Twitter Automation! This is where the fun part begins Ladies and Gents!. This is where
you start to see serious, effortless gains in a short time. This is where you start to see
effective results, and high earnings. This is how much I have been able to make in 1
Month and 2 weeks With Automation. $4,531 – Without a lot of effort. I could make
10X if I put in more time. This is a sneak peak from my BTC wallet

What we will need to start

Twitter Accounts

You can purchase Twitter accounts Click Here – It’s a website that hosts multiple
sellers who offer their accounts for sale. The accounts sold here are aged twitter
accounts and its suitable for this.


Nowadays it’s preferred to use proxies as they can guarantee long living to
your accounts. Also, on just 1 IP you can run up to 5 Twitter Accounts.
Proxy website 1 or proxy website 2 offers great proxies.

Automation Software

We will use socinator to Automate all of our Twitter actions. Auto-follow, AutoDM, Tweets, Retweets, etc. Click Here To Get The Cracked Version

VPS (Virtual Private Server)

To save bandwidth and computer resources, you might want the Automation process
on VPS. That way, Socinator runs 24/7 so you won’t have to worry if your PC is on or
off. I use VPS 1 or VPS 2 and have zero problems.

Setup your first Twitter Automation Account

Now that you have the tools to execute; It’s time to set up our first Twitter account
and start growing! Go to Social Profiles on socinator menu and click ‘Add profile’

You will see an option to Add Twitter, click on it

Now you will have to follow 3 Simple steps.

  • Choose Name for the Account
  • Insert the Proxy
  • Insert Login and click Verify

Once clicked verify, you’re logged in and the account is under the control of socinator.

Finding Target Sources to Interact With

Before we start to automate our Twitter accounts ; we will need to build a list of
accounts from our niche. For example, I am in the cryptocurrency niche so I will prepare
a list of at least 20 Twitter accounts who tweet about crypto. Accounts like
Coindesk,Binance,Kucoin with a large audience of Crypto fans might be the targets
that I want to interact with on my Account. When you create your list, you better audit
them manually and make sure they don’t have fake followers, etc.

Auto Follow Configuration

Assuming that you’re already logged in – Now click on Tools. This will send you to the
Automation configuration tab.

Whenever we will click on ‘Tools’ it will send us to all of the available
Automation options on socinator. At this stage, we will be at the Follow tab

Understanding the Automation Configuration

Before I am sharing my configuration with you, I want you to learn how it works. That
way, you will know what you’re doing instead of being a copy-cat.

Wait between

Each Operation is configured to follow between 2 to 7 people. As soon as the tool
finishes following them he will stop to work between 60 to 90 minutes.

Follow between

The tool will follow between 2 to 7 People per operation. It will be a random number.
Could be 3,4,5,6 or 7 per operation. It’s randomized between the number that you

Execute between

Choose the hours that you want the tool to work. It could be useful to manage clients
accounts who prefer that you will do actions on their Twitter in a specific time.

Random Sleep Time

Set sleep time to avoid being detected as an automated account. it will help you to
stay under the suspension radar. Twitter doesn’t like Automation at all.

Randomizing Intervals

Randomizing Intervals will help us to blur a footprint of pattern. Patterns usually help
Twitter to flag accounts who use Automation and suspend them.
On the first week of running your account you want to execute as few actions as
possible. Being aggressive with the following tool might lead to a quick account

Understanding the Automation Configuration

Auto-follow tool – Day 1 to 3

Now you understand how it works; Here are my Follow settings. Save them.

In follow limits, I start with 10 to 15 follows per day and slowly increase with 5 to 15

As you can see; to avoid following bot’s ticked the boxes to interact only with accounts
who have Profile img and tweeted within the last 90 Days.

Following more than 100 people a day might put your account at risk of getting
suspended. Soft settings might help you to keep them alive for the long term.

Adding Targeted Follow Sources For Followers Gain

Now, as I explained to you at the beginning of the Automation section; Create a list of
20-40 Accounts in your niche. And embed them in the socinator ‘Follow sources’

Soon as you click on the follow sources tab in the Follow tool, you will see multiple
options to choose on which method you want to use to Follow people.
Choose to follow Followers of target accounts and insert the list that you have

If the list is small, you might run out of sources for the following tool.

Auto Favorite (Likes) Tool Configuration

The liking tool is working in a similar way to the Follow tool. Here is my Settings;

Make sure that you are not liking exactly the same number that you are following to
avoid patterns. For example; if you like 70-100 posts a day then you should follow 50-
60 accounts a day or vice versa. Configure the source’s and you’re good to go.

Auto retweet (Repost) Tool configuration

It’s always preferable to have posts on your accounts then have nothing. It gives a
legit look, and fresh content that might get liked and lead for more exposure to your
account. With that being said, you can Auto retweet any account on Twitter. 3-5
retweets a day is enough

Insert the accounts that you want to retweet to sources and you’re good to go.
Also, you can retweet and add a comment with Spin text. Just scroll the retweet tool
down and you will see that option below

Auto DM Tool Configuration

The DM tool is the most effective one in terms of leads generation or growing your
account. Once a follower is following you – it’s time to send them a DM with your Offer.
But, you have to do this in a clever way so you won’t get banned quickly. For this
reason; I am here.
Go to

Step 1 : Don’t send any Link on your first DM.
Step 2 : Send Spin-text emoji. Once a follower replied – Send your offer.
I have made a spintax of emojis for you; just copy and paste it to the box.
Hey [FULLNAME] {�����|����|��|����|�|��|�����|��������|���������|����������}
[FULLNAME] – Will spit out automatically the follower full name from Twitter
Spintax – followers will get a unique msg instead of repeated text to avoid suspension.

Now go to Auto reply new messages and insert a text with your offer in there.

Mass DM To Targeted Audience

You learn how to capture potential leads / clients. Now it’s time to learn how you can
send Mass DM ( 10K / Day) . Keep in mind that you will need at least 500 Accounts to
send 10K DMs. Go to the ‘Extract users’ tab in the Contact tool and add a list of
accounts. Once extracted, Go to the ‘Send Messages’ tool. The extractor will send the
users automatically to ‘Send msg’ and DM them according to your settings.

Step 1 – Extract the usernames that you want to DM to

Step 2 – Enable the Send msgs tool

Do not send more than 20 DMs per account. Otherwise – you will get suspended
quickly. Now, depending on how many accounts you run – the amount of DM’s that
you can send are UNLIMITED. 20 DMs X 500 Accounts = 10,000

Twitter Accounts Content Planning

This guide is about getting results as fast as possible. In this section I will explain to
you how to accelerate your Twitter content creation on Scale. We want to grow as
many accounts as possible. With 100,000 Twitter followers, we can charge up to
$400 if you were in the crypto niche.
It’s easy to grow accounts on Twitter because besides tweeting, you don’t need to
work on Creative.
Find 10 Accounts with great content, copy their tweets to Quilbot and rewrite them.
Since it’s not a complex task, you can easily outsource a freelancer on Upwork to do
it for you for $3 / Hour. Prepare a large list. 2 tweets a day is enough.
60 Tweets a month. Duplicate by 12 Months. We are going to set this up 1 time and
never touch it again.
That’s the magic of Automation on scale.

Automated Content On Multiple Accounts

Now you should be at the stage where you already have content and few accounts
running on socinator. It’s time to load them up with fresh content for a year ahead so
we won’t have to deal with content creation consistently.
Go to ‘Campaign’ section in socinator on the top; you will see a
button ‘Add Publishing Campaign’ Click on it and choose ‘Add standard campaign’
Now let’s discuss the options of this tool before we execute our first Campaigns.

Campaign Tool Options


Choose a name to your Automated content campaign, enable text watermark (if
posting photos

What To Publish

This is where you choose from where you want to publish your content. You can
scrape content from different platforms like Linkedin,Facebook,Pinterest and publish
it on Autopilot. However, it’s easily detected by Twitter. You better stick to rewritten

Where To Publish

Choose on the accounts that you want to publish your content on on scale. It can
be 10 or it can be 500 (Maximum accounts per socinator License)

When To Publish

Choose the hours that you want to publish your content. This option is more effective
when you manage clients with specific requirements to post on specific hours.

Post List

See how many posts will be published and when. Control/Change the text for posts
that have been sent to the schedule or delete future posts.


Check the history of the posts that have been published across multiple Accounts. Get
direct URL for every post or export them to excel sheet.

Autopilot Posting

In the campaign tool go to ‘What to publish’ and choose one of those options;
Depends on what you want to do. You can give a CSV to your VA and tell him to fill
that up with content.

Once done, choose the accounts you want to publish to.
Now go to ‘When to publish’ and choose to randomize the amounts of posts per day
to avoid making a footprint or a pattern so your Network won’t get suspended by

Now go to ‘Overview’ and click on ‘Advanced Settings’ and tick those Boxes

The first ticked BOX

Have a delay between each post to avoid making a pattern

The second ticked Box

The tool will pick 1 Random Post for each account instead publishing the same post
across multiple

The Most Profitable Offer To Promote on Twitter

Here is the deal, Boys! You don’t need to be smart to understand that
cryptocurrency is one of the most profitable niches in 2023 and the years ahead to
come. Now… I Said that I will reveal the exact services that netted me $1000 / Per
client. Time has come!
The good news is that there is a free Bot that picks those signals, gives you a
signal entry,signal exit and Updates (Automatically!) once Target has been reached.
So the bot will do the “Expert” work for you while you sit back so you can focus on
I have landed clients who paid upfront for 6 Months memberships, 3 Months
Membership 12 Months memberships and so on. I am going to explain to you; How I
did that from A to Z and I expect you to apply those methods and join the heavy
earners club; a Special private Telegram chat with serious earners

How does it work

You will have a Signals Bot that works for you, on your own Telegram channel
Automatically; You will sell memberships to anyone who wants to get access to your
profitable crypto calls. With my simple 3 Steps plan that you’re going to learn today.
It’s going to be EASY if you’re serious ; the only thing that separates between you
and your first $300 client is TIME! Here are the 3 Rules that you should stick with
before you start

Create a Telegram Channel

First, you will need to create two Telegram channels. One public and one private.
Find a catchy name, create a nice logo with Canva and you have a channel. Add a
few subscribers via any SMM panel to give it a legit look and post between 4 to 5
Cryptocurrency posts. Can be news, can be about trading; can be anything. Make it
sound great. Don’t just post links. You can just copy post from other crypt telegram
channels or social media accounts in the crypto niche.

Automatic Crypto Signals Bot Access

You will then setup an auto forwarding bot to send crypto signals to your private
channel. Click Here to setup for FREE. The bot will publish Crypto signals on
Auto-pilot. So basically, the Bot will do everything for you and you can focus just on
Its free to set it up but if you cannot, then we can do it for you for just $50. We can
also setup the whole process for you for just $100 (that is if you are lazy to do it

Send an email to [email protected] and we would set it up for
Click any of the links below for a list of telegram channels to get signals
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
You can also copy contents from these telegram channels to your public channel to
make it look busy.
You can also post motivational contents, it contents as this converts a lot. If you
want already made contents click here
You can as well do this manually by joining free crypto telegram channels and
copy their signals and paste on your own channel.

Telegram Promotion Strategies (Child and Mother)
(100-200 a Day)

Finally, we have both Telegram channels and now we want to send Subscribers to
our Public one directly from Twitter. Those are going to be our potential clients so treat
this channel with a lot of care. The more Twitter accounts that you will automate; The
more Subscribers. On Average 1 Twitter Account Gets between 3 to 6 members a
day. Duplicate it by 500 Accounts and you Get 1500 – 3000 Subscribers per day.
On Average, for every 10 Subscribers you will sell 1 Subscription. The prices depend
on you. As a beginner, you want to charge 100$ a month. But as soon as you will have
a better understanding of how the crypto market works you will be able to charge
$300 per easily and believe me, it’s not a lot of money for those who are involved with
crypto. So chill out, it’s super doable.
Now let’s get down to the Promotion method. Get yourself a few Twitter Accounts
from this website – The more accounts, the more subscribers. Load all of them to
Twitter and login. You can load accounts in Bulk. When you click on add profile
at socinator you have a button at the bottom, insert 100-200 Twitter accounts
into this Import file. Or just 5 Accs if you want to test the water.

Now on every Twitter Account – Create a post with similar text to mine : These crypto signals are super effective for short term gains. These accounts should be considered as Childs accounts, their main objective is to send traffic to your Main Telegram channel or to Follow your Main Twitter account. Here or there, you shouldn’t care if they get suspended. They’re only there to generate traffic so don’t invest a lot of time on them if you’re not planning to make them Active Twitter accounts. Once someone visits your profile, he will click the link and join your Telegram channel.

Converting strangers to $300 / A Month Clients

All of your focus should be on your Public channel as it is more important than the private one. This will be the channel that you will use to showcase yourself as an Authority and someone who understands Crypto. To simplify it to you, just put yourself in the shoes of a crypto re-searcher. You search daily for interesting content that might be relevant to crypto fans and add your own “Voice” to it. A few words that make it unique or personal; to create a chemistry between you and your audience. on Every 4 Value posts that you publish on the Public channel, Add line : For Premium Channel Access Contact <@YOUR TELEGRAM> Don’t be aggressive with your marketing. First provide value, then ask to join your Signals group. Another thing that will make your process much easier is to simply look after your competitors. Just google “Crypto signals” and join the channels. Learn their voice, be a copycat if you need to or have no Idea. In the beginning, I had no idea and I converted clients like a boss. It’s not rocket science, believe me.

Public Channel Warm Up

Another useful strategy to warm up your audience is to publish results from your
profitable signals in the Private channel. Every week, create a summary of the
profitable Signals and publish them on the public channel. Sample :
“This week was profitable for the premium channel members. Congrats on your 5X
BNB : +20%
BTC : +30%
SHIB: +25%
Think logically and sound realistic. Focus on convincing your audience that they really
have a great opportunity here.

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