A Guide To Non-AVS Non VBV


AVS is an address verification system and many sites use this to verify that this card is not used by scammers.But some cards don't have AVS protection and sites cannot determine the address to which the card is registered.Bill-shipThis is one of the most asked questions.Because By the site...

Nike scam method


CC (a good BIN)A physical debit card (can use your own as method is safe)Potentially a bank statement template (I can provide these for free for you if you message me on ICQ)*Key points:Do this on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Sunday. Thursdays and Fridays allow too long...


1. What is E-Whoring? 

E-Whoring is an art. You can't master it, but you can learn it. Every E-Whore learns, even the most experienced ones. E-Whoring is the art of pretending to be a girl to sell your body. Making your victim/customer believe that you are real, to make him...

Flipkart Carding Method

Best 100% Working Flipkart Carding Method :- Requirement For Flipkart Carding: Bitcoins *********.bazar account Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) Or Socks 5 Fake mobile Number Fake ID Step To Step Guide On Flipkart :- Carding Method: 1. Firstly you need a Credit card, buy...

How to find Items to dropshipp on eBay

Disclaimer: I am not a guru on this topic: Please do not send me PM with questions about dropshipp. If you have one: Ask here and I will answer. PMs regarding this specific thread will be ignored.What you needWatch countAliexpress AccountEbay AccountHow the dropshipp model worksLet's say for example...

Argos Carding Method

If you live in the UK or Ireland and want to card Argos successfully, then you will have to read this tutorial because I will be explaining the latest Method for Carding Argos.Argos is one of the UK’s leading digital retailers that offer more than 60,000 products online and...